Care & Maintenance
Service includes legal background music for businesses, such as: Fitness & Spa Facility, Beauty and Aesthetic Center, Sauna/Bath House, Household Service, Laundry Service, Dry-Cleaning, Service Hall, Rental Service, Transport Facility.
Prices for public performance of musical works protected under copyright and neighboring rights at aesthetic centers, medical clinics, hospitals and other type of similar establishments start from GEL 53.55
Prices for the public performance of musical works protected under copyright and neighboring rights at beauty centers/studios, solariums and other types of similar establishments start from GEL 38.25
Prices for the public performance of musical works protected under copyright and neighboring rights at fitness and spa facilities and other types of similar establishments start from GEL 118.95
Prices for the public performance of musical works protected under copyright and neighboring rights at saunas, bathhouses and other types of similar establishments start from GEL 45
Prices for the public performance of musical works protected under copyright and neighboring rights at banks, insurance companies, telecommunication service centers, rental offices, laundries, dry cleaners, service and utility ateliers/studios and other types of similar establishments start from GEL 15