
Get a License

    Indicate company registration name e.g., Idea Ltd.


    Indicate company brand name e.g., Restaurant IDEALI


    Indicate 9 or 11-digit number which is assigned by the State Registry to the company


    Indicate factual address of the company (street, number, building, block, floor, etc.)


    Indicate the postal code of company’s factual address


    Indicate the city/town where the company is located


    Select the country where the company is located


    Indicate an active phone number of the company with 6, 7 or 9 digits, e.g., 2 x xx xx; 2 xx xx xx; 5 xx xx xx xx. In case of indicating two or more numbers, separate them with semicolon


    Indicate an active email address of the company. In case of indicating two or more addresses, separate them with semicolon


    Indicate an active website address of the company including www e.g., www.musmus.ge In case of indicating two or more addresses, separate them with semicolon

    Indicate an active social media channel addresses of the company (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) In case of indicating two or more addresses, separate them with semicolon

    Select relevant working industry of the company


    Indicate your name and surname


    Indicate your ID number


    Indicate your job title

